Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Skinny of it all....

Magazines follow (and sometimes even lead) the trend and put the skinniest girls possible in their print ads. This has been going on for too damn long and too many women are pissed off about it. 90% of us (or more) could never be that size unless we were locked in a gym for 16 months straight and would be served no food unless we exercised for 6 hours a day.
Why do we put up with this? The real question is why do we SUPPORT it? If we don't buy the magazines because of it, the "standard size" will change miraculously. If we don't buy the clothes because of it and the designers know why, they will change as well. These magazines give us and our daughters a bad sense of self, making us feel like we can never achieve the standards of beauty that they set.
So I say SCREW THEM. I can read the magazine at the library for free until they get it right, and look around them and see what most real women look like. I know they have to choose models for their beauty, and I don't care if the models are aesthetically appealing, it is the super skinny body type I take issue with. Someone showed me a clip somewhere of a bathing suit designer (she was a woman no less) who was talking on TV about how she wanted only the skinniest models and i was really really offended.
This is a fellow WOMAN. I wouldn't buy her stuff if you paid me. I appreciate the Dove companies campaign that has taken the stand for a more realistic view of beauty. It doesn't look like it hurt their sales either. Even Oprah Winfrey gave it a thumbs up.

Write a letter to the editor of your favorite magazine. Let them know you are sick of it and then if you don't see a change, stop BUYING the magazine until they do. We are their clients. WOMEN. And it is time they started catering TO us, rather than acting as if there is something wrong with a woman looking like a WOMAN.
How many times have you seen a lovely top from a designer and couldn't buy it because it had SPAGHETTI straps? HOW THE HELL CAN YOU WEAR A BRA?? Are designers aware that women have BREASTS? And don't give me that strapless bra nonsense either. Just make the f'n strap a little WIDER so you can wear a BRA and you will sell a hell of a lot more of those tops, let me tell you. How come this has not dawned on these designers? Who the hell are they designing for?
Labels: anorexic, dove campaign, fashion models too skinny, real women, unrealistic too thin
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Victoria, you Secret it out!

When Victoria's Secret started hiring supermodels i wondered how they were going to pay these high salaries for these models (and why) I thought "well here goes the quality and class". I was right.
A Victoria's Secret catalog in now geared to college students, and the workmanship and durability has gone out the window..or down the toilet. What was classy is now bordering on trashy. You can buy nicer things at a department store. Now they have the runway show (for who? Is this for women? Or is this for MEN) on TV and the commercials. Go find an old catalog somewhere and compare it to one of the recent ones. You would be shocked.
I had some Victoria's Secret stuff and was over in Europe visiting my aunt who works at a lingerie company overseas and when she saw the stuff she grabbed it, told me it was junk, and threw it away. I used to buy things from their catalog but now when I go through it there is nothing for me to buy. It's garbage. I will buy lingerie that is a little more expensive but will last me 10 times longer. Its worth it. I don't need a supermodel to sell me clothing or lingerie, quality, style, and durability is more important to me.
We, the consumer who buy their product really lost out when Victoria's Secret lost their "secret". Wanna know a real secret? If you are interested I can direct you to some websites where you can buy high-quality, high-fashion lingerie. Who, by the way, are ALWAYS a year or so ahead of Victoria's Secret when it comes to "new items" and styles. Every new item they have come out with I have seen for at least a year or more at other companies, so they are actually behind the times.
Get with it Victoria, stop trying to be so popular and think about what that popularity has cost you, and us.
Labels: college students, lingerie quality, quality, super model, supermodel, undergarments, Victoria, Victoria's, Victorias Secret
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
LocAuto Car Rental Italy Complaint Review - DO NOT RENT FROM THESE PRICKS!

If you ever travel to Europe, specifically Pisa, Italy do NOT ever rent a car from these pricks. We made arrangements in advance for a rental with them with a quote of about $330 for 5 days and it ended up costing us a total of about $650 because they are too lazy to do their jobs.
When we arrived at the terminal there was only ONE GUY working and his name was GIOVANNI – yeah ok whatever, we were in Italy right? He told me they would hold a $1500 security deposit for the car, that I would get back when we returned it. After we finished the paperwork, he told us to go out to the parking lot to the car and notate on the piece of paper he gave me all the damages to the car. HE DID NOT ACCOMPANY US. He gave us the license plate for the car but not the slot where it would be and said to look for the LOCAUTO logo which has an elephant on it. We went through every single parked car, TWICE, where the LOCAUTO cars were parked. We did not find it. So I left my travel companion outside with the luggage and went back in. When I got there, another customer was complaining to him about the damages to their car and the fact there was only ¾ tank of gas, and Giovanni was waving his hands and talking LOUD in Italian. Hearing and seeing complaining customer should have been my big clue that this was a schiester operation, but I was so tired from traveling for 18 hours straight that I was not thinking clearly.
I told him we could not find the car and once again, he was the ONLY ONE working that day. He told me to go back out to the parking lot and wait for him. When he finally finished with the prior customer, he located the car, in the HERTZ parking area, not the LOCAUTO area with the elephant logo signs, and brought it to us. I asked him to wait because I wanted to notate the damages to the car. He said to CIRCLE where the damage was on the car, and bring it back to him inside so that he could review and sign it. I had no idea this was not ‘proper’ procedure. (I found out later when we returned the car that he was supposed to underline and initial where the damage was for which we were punished and penalized although we did what we were told). We found 4 separate damages to the car. I had my travel companion review everything several times, very closely, to make sure we noted all damage, to which she bellows.. “WTF is this? Rent a Wreck?”
- the left rear wheel well was damaged
- the left rear bumper had a huge hole in it and was cracked
- the front bumper was damaged with a large scratch
- the right rear wheel well was scratched very badly and some of the paint was gone. (this is the one that I was accused of doing although it was clearly there when we got the car)
We returned to the Pisa airport on Saturday Sept 13th. When we returned it, it had been raining all day. The car was obviously dirty from the rain. As I returned it, there were 2 people working that day behind the counter. One of them came outside to look at the car. She said that I did the damage to the right rear wheel well and that I was lying about it since the form was not filled out properly. I told her that I did exactly what I was told to do by Giovanni. She said I was lying. This STUPID ITALIAN BIOTCH called ME, a CUSTOMER, a LIAR TO MY FACE!!! I asked her to call him and ask him. Of course he did not remember so he came up to the airport. He went out to look at the car and of course could not remember the damage that was there since he was not there on the day we reviewed the car for damages, but inside dealing with another upset customer. I pulled out the paperwork again showing them where I had circled the damages. She told me that is was not done right, that each damage had to be signed/initialed by the LOCAUTO employee. I tried explaining to them that I did exactly what I was told. They looked at me like I was stupid. They said it was not signed by Giovanni so the damages were not properly noted. I asked them how much they were going to charge my account. They said they did not know until they washed the car – because of the rain – and that I would find out when I got back to the US. I told them I wanted a receipt and the total that was being charged to my card. They refused to provide it.
We did not have much time to argue with them because we were catching a flight to Malta within an hour and a half. In essence they were holding us hostage there at the counter, refusing to give me a printed receipt and I not knowing what was being charged. This made me very uncomfortable. Once again, I pulled out the paperwork explaining to them what I was told to do and that the damage to the right rear wheel well was already there. They waved me off and sort of laughed at me. Rather than continue trying to get a resolution to something we could not resolve, and knowing we had a flight to catch, we left their counter, feeling confused and violated. The charges did not appear on my VISA statement for over a week.
When I initially rented the car, I made a deposit of 20.80 euro. The remainder of the balance was 117.76 Euro – documentation provided. When I was able to log on to my VISA account to see the total, which was finally charged on 9/17, I saw they charged a total of $673.89 for the remainder of the rental and the supposed damages that we did to the car, which we did not do.
In review, we have learned from this horrible experience: 1) not to rent from LOCAUTO ever again and 2) to take a photo of all damages to the car with the rental representative in all the photos and 3) If we ever see the Locauto elephant again, to just say GOOO. Fuckers.
Labels: agency, car rental, complaint, Europe, Italy, Locauto, locauto Italy review, Pisa airport, poor customer service, review, rip off, robbery, scam, stealing, theft, warning, wreck
Monday, June 1, 2009
Why UPS should be called GOO-PS

So, I call frontgate to start inverstigating where this stuff is, and they told me to call ups. I told them the whole story, they asked if I was home on the day it was "delivered" and I told them I am ALWAYS home, they asked if I checked around outside because maybe I missed them (to which I told them these were not miniature pool floats, but actual size thank you very much) and then she asked if I had maybe not heard the deliveryman when he came. I told her "Listen to this" and I made a knocking sound on my wall and the dogs burst into a fit of barking and I said "Do you think it is possible I missed THAT?" and she laughed and said no.
So after like two weeks of this they realize they did indeed send my stuff to oz or somewhere so they told me they would be sending me a replacement order. I waited about 10 days, checked to see when the new order would be coming only to find out it HAD BEEN DELIVERED. WHERE, I dont know, because I sure as hell didn't get it! Now I am PISSED. I call again, explain my situation, get asked the same questions, they send one of their people to my house who I couldn't even talk to the dogs barked at him so loud and he was convinced that this stuff was indeed not delivered to me. I told frontgate to send it to a friend of mines house because I was really sick of this shit.
They dont care a THING about the customer, that is for sure. U.p.s. should be called GOO p.s!
Labels: failed delivery, failure, lost shipment, non-delivery, packages, stupidity, UPS, UPS failed delivery, wrong address
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