Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Skinny of it all....

For the longest time clothing designers have decided what size is the "right" size for a woman. Yes, a HANDFUL of people (many of them not even women) set the standard every year. I understand that there are some women who can eat an entire pizza and wash it down with a vat of soda and still stay a size 2, but those women and far and few between.

Magazines follow (and sometimes even lead) the trend and put the skinniest girls possible in their print ads. This has been going on for too damn long and too many women are pissed off about it. 90% of us (or more) could never be that size unless we were locked in a gym for 16 months straight and would be served no food unless we exercised for 6 hours a day.

Why do we put up with this? The real question is why do we SUPPORT it? If we don't buy the magazines because of it, the "standard size" will change miraculously. If we don't buy the clothes because of it and the designers know why, they will change as well. These magazines give us and our daughters a bad sense of self, making us feel like we can never achieve the standards of beauty that they set.

So I say SCREW THEM. I can read the magazine at the library for free until they get it right, and look around them and see what most real women look like. I know they have to choose models for their beauty, and I don't care if the models are aesthetically appealing, it is the super skinny body type I take issue with. Someone showed me a clip somewhere of a bathing suit designer (she was a woman no less) who was talking on TV about how she wanted only the skinniest models and i was really really offended.

This is a fellow WOMAN. I wouldn't buy her stuff if you paid me. I appreciate the Dove companies campaign that has taken the stand for a more realistic view of beauty. It doesn't look like it hurt their sales either. Even Oprah Winfrey gave it a thumbs up.

Write a letter to the editor of your favorite magazine. Let them know you are sick of it and then if you don't see a change, stop BUYING the magazine until they do. We are their clients. WOMEN. And it is time they started catering TO us, rather than acting as if there is something wrong with a woman looking like a WOMAN.

How many times have you seen a lovely top from a designer and couldn't buy it because it had SPAGHETTI straps? HOW THE HELL CAN YOU WEAR A BRA?? Are designers aware that women have BREASTS? And don't give me that strapless bra nonsense either. Just make the f'n strap a little WIDER so you can wear a BRA and you will sell a hell of a lot more of those tops, let me tell you. How come this has not dawned on these designers? Who the hell are they designing for?

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