Monday, June 1, 2009

Why UPS should be called GOO-PS

I believe U.P.S. owes me, and owes me BIG TIME. This company goes to the top of my shit list. Our story begins in August of 2008. I ordered a few pool floats from Frontgate and they hadnt shown up so i checked their website to see the status of my order. Lo and behold it said it had been delivered, but the problems was it was not delivered to ME. Now keep in mind that I do not live in an apartment building, that these pool floats are as big as a freakin sofa, and I have dogs that bark insanely if you even come NEAR my property. I work from home so it wasn't like I was out when they came by.

So, I call frontgate to start inverstigating where this stuff is, and they told me to call ups. I told them the whole story, they asked if I was home on the day it was "delivered" and I told them I am ALWAYS home, they asked if I checked around outside because maybe I missed them (to which I told them these were not miniature pool floats, but actual size thank you very much) and then she asked if I had maybe not heard the deliveryman when he came. I told her "Listen to this" and I made a knocking sound on my wall and the dogs burst into a fit of barking and I said "Do you think it is possible I missed THAT?" and she laughed and said no.

So after like two weeks of this they realize they did indeed send my stuff to oz or somewhere so they told me they would be sending me a replacement order. I waited about 10 days, checked to see when the new order would be coming only to find out it HAD BEEN DELIVERED. WHERE, I dont know, because I sure as hell didn't get it! Now I am PISSED. I call again, explain my situation, get asked the same questions, they send one of their people to my house who I couldn't even talk to the dogs barked at him so loud and he was convinced that this stuff was indeed not delivered to me. I told frontgate to send it to a friend of mines house because I was really sick of this shit.

About 2 weeks (Its now September) and a thought suddenly occurred to me. I ordered something from Crate and Barrel and it hadnt arrived, so i rushed to the phone. Guess who they told me delivered it. Yup, UPS. I was like Oh FUCKING NO. So i call ups, told them to look at my past issues and understand that in one month this has happened to me 3 TIMES and has cost ups over a thousand dollars and WHY cant they give the driver a MAP TO MY HOUSE FOR GODS SAKES? We told them to investigate but when they DID find ups at fault NOT to resend it, we would drive the 3 hours round trip to go and GET IT OURSELVES.

I moved 2 months later. I am thinking "At least I wont have any more issues with ups". How stupid could I have been?

I ordered a car part for my boyfriend who I live with to be sent to our home and figured it was safe to send it by ups. Well, after the part had not arrived i contacted the seller (it was an ebay purchase) and asked if they knew when the sent the part. Well, the seller contacted me and said the part HAD been delivered. I get this nauseating sense of dejavu and call ups. I hope you are sitting down, and hold onto your head because it might just blow off. The people at ups said they couldn't FIND the house, so instead of contacting the seller or us, they went and found an OLD address for him, that he hadnt lived in for over 4 YEARS (and wasn't his last place of residence) and left it THERE. WITH HIS EX WIFE. I was like are you people fucking KIDDING me? They said we should call her and go get it. I told them THEY better go and get it because it should NEVER have gone their in the FIRST PLACE. The seller was in complete shock as well. They had to wait for the claim for insurance to re-send us a new part. What a shock that the ex wasn't helpful, huh? Idiots.

Now the last, and final insult to injury. I ordered 12 candles and received the wrong ones. I called the company and they told me that ups would call me to come pick it up and replace it. I was like "Ok". I am watering my flowers a few days later and see a tag from ups that they were there. I didn't tell them to come. I didn't tell them I would be home. Why did they pick a time and a day without asking me if I would be home? So I call them, and here is the punch line folks, they said that because I wasn't home, it would be (get this) and INCONVENIENCE to THEM to come again and they would have to charge ME 10 dollars. I was like ok fine then I want a ZILLION dollars from YOU for all the inconvenience YOU have caused ME. Needless to say, even though they knew all the torture they had put me through, if they were to come and pick it up, it was going to cost me 10 bucks. This company should be ashamed of themselves. I will never, ever EVER use these people again.

They dont care a THING about the customer, that is for sure. U.p.s. should be called GOO p.s!

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I just have to say that I too think UPS is GOO PS - they lost my brand new laptop just last year - they guy pulled up outside the house to deliver it, started looking for it in the back of the truck - I had been anticipating it so was standing at the door waiting for him to bring it to the door - then after about 2 minutes without warning, he jumped back in drivers seat and sped away. WTF seriously - they never found it.

Prior to that, over the course of about 4 years, I had 3 other workstations delivered to the house that were smashed, broken and damaged beyond repair. Once I sat working in my study and saw UPS guy pull up with what I knew was the CPU large box marked FRAGILE and THIS END UP --- all over it - well as I sat here looking out the window I noticed him hurl it at my front door and walk away and leave it there!!! Of course when I opened the door, teh box was damaged and it was not THIS SIDE UP.

So I picked it up to bring it inside and as I did I heard the chink-chink-chink of broken pieces inside the box. way to fucking go UPS - you broke another one. They are the devil.
I'm very sorry to read about the frustrating experiences you've had with UPS. My name is Debbie Curtis-Magley and I work with UPS Public Relations. I’d like to help get the delivery issues addressed and regain your trust in our company. Please contact me at

I look forward to hearing from you.

Debbie Curtis-Magley
UPS Public Relations
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