Thursday, July 16, 2009

You Think You Dress Like a Gangsta but You Really Look Like and Idiot

I was driving through my neighborhood today and saw what appeared to be a young man walking on the sidewalk. As I got closer I realized that his pants, were not sitting at his waist, like a normal person, but sitting below his butt. Not on his butt. Not just below the waist. All the way under his butt. I could see his boxer shorts, thank God he was wearing some, and he was holding his pants up, by grabbing the belt in front as he walked, while he jabbered away on his cell phone. My question is WHY? Congratulations... I bet your momma is proud.

What fashionita created this fashion faux pais? I am not quite sure what it represents, nor how truly functional it is. I mean, if you are walking along holding your pants up with one hand, and the cell phone with the other, what are you going to do if you have an itch? Allow your pants to drop to the ground so you can scratch it? Then you would trip over your pants as they slipped to your ankles as you continue to walk. THIS WAY OF DRESSING IS STUPID AND YOU LOOK MORE STUPID WEARING IT. Pull your damned pants up for God's sake, we don't want to see your boxers, briefs, tidy whities, and we sure as hell don't want to see your hiney.

Secondly, while I was finding hiney photo above of Gangsta pants I came across something that stunned me even more. It is another fashion phenomenon of the Gangsta revolution - wearing out clothes backwards. I have no intelligent words for this, no way to even begin to express how totally stupid you look with your ass in the front. And the crotch in the back. Surely this can't be comfortable.

Your mother lets you out of the house like this? Does she put her clothes on backwards too? Does she wear her bra backwards? If so I bet she looks really weird with 4 boobs. Then again, if she does let you out of the house dressed this way, she clearly needs her head examining also.

Is there a point to this way of dressing? Are you saving wear and tear on the seat of your britches because you are getting double wear out them? Are you doing it with your underwear too? How do you pee without that slit in the front? Seriously.

Now I am fairly open minded and think people should be allowed to express their personality through their wardrobe. Well guess what? This is not self expression but self mutilation. You no longer look like a normal human being, but someone that belongs in a mental institution. Hell even at the mental institution if you dress like that they will be singing "The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Asylum".

So, what's next folks...wearing your clothes inside out?

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i think dressing with your boxers above your pants is dope
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