Friday, July 17, 2009


Why do so many people spend endless time driving around and around and around to get the closest parking space available when they are going to the MALL?

Unless acid rain is falling, there is less than no point to this. And don't give me the "I will have to carry out so many packages" line of crap either. You carried this stuff with you through the MALL. You know the mall, the place where all you do is walk and walk from one side to the other shopping until you leave. You can carry it to the CAR ok?

I will never understand why, if you are physically able and willing to walk (aimlessly in many cases) miles through the mall but are horrified at having to walk the extra YARDS to the car. What is the big whoo? People get into fights over parking spaces, or get elated when they get a "good one". No offense, but at a time where we have become more overweight as a nation than ever before, the extra steps surely cannot hurt us.

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