Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jon & Kate Need to Get a Life and so do the Millions who Watch Them

While we are on the topic of television programming, which seems to be a major annoyance of ours these days, lets just have a quick look at Jon & Kate Plus 8. Never heard of them, never seen the show, personally I would not waste my time and would have more fun in a Turkish prison. Nonetheless, millions of Americans seems to turn into this rubbish week after week to see the latest antics of the Gosselin family. For the love of God.. WHY? Don't you all have enough drama and BS in your own lives? Or is it better to see others go through it because then you don't have to focus on your own stuff?

First and foremost, TLC presents this show. I used to watch TLC. It used to be one of my favorite channels because it used to present good quality shows and documentaries that were informative. TLC - THE LEARNING CHANNEL. What the hell. Where did the good programming go only to be replaced by another stupid reality show about a couple who had 8 children.

Why is octo-mom considered a nut but not these assholes? What is this Brady Bunch + 2? No one bothered to consider that putting them on a reality show with their kids would ultimately create problems in their marriage? What did they have in place in case it did? What did they do to prepare themselves and their children for a life on reality TV? Well lets see... Kate had a tummy tuck paid for by the show, and probably other cosmetic procedures. But what about the children...you know.. kiddies...in their formative years. Where is child welfare when you need them?

Well now they are getting divorced. Jon has allegedly bought an apartment in Manhattan. How? Does he have a job. Supporting 8 children without a reality show can be quite a challenge, so do they pimp themselves out to afford the lifestyle they have become accustomed to? Apparently there is a huge online debate about whether or not the show should continue. And based on what I have seen flipping through a few tabloids waiting in the grocey checkout lane, you can bet Momma wants this show to continue. She loves the fame, the fortune, the glory and the attention. She makes herself out to be a great celebrity. WTF-ever.

Let's face it, how many people watching are watching to see 8 little munchkins run around or to watch a marriage meltdown? Why the hell does someone want to watch this? This show didn't have a large audience, its not like it was in the top 10 ratings, but the media has made sure we all know the names of these two. Why?

Don't give me the bullshit that that many people care or watch this shit. The media just saturates us with all this info about these two when truthfully, most of us don't care, so please don't pretend that we do, and don't make it as if we do. What is with this "Team Jon" and "Team Kate"? What is with the "team" itself? Their marriage is their partnership,

THEY are supposed to be a team, we are supposed to concentrate on our own relationships. This "team" shit has to stop. Why are we encouraged to pick sides? How would we like it if all our relationships were judged this way? How would you like a "team" of people against YOU that don't even KNOW you? And what good does a team of people for you that can't do shit for you either? They need to get back to what is important in lives, which should be their children, and we need to focus on our own lives, because they are not perfect either.

A final thought is, are they really in trouble? Or is the only trouble with the ratings and this some stupid staged attempt to get more viewers through the creation of the media feeding frenzy? Who knows.. but I do know this, I won't be watching this show on TLC. But I am anxiously awaiting the release of the Gosselin Action Figure set.

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this is the dumbest show on TV and these people really need to get a life - even moreso than the people that watch it. Who wastes their time with this bullshit?
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